
November 13, 2019 Off By admin


I love homeschooling!  I love watching my child

grow into this remarkable young man.  

There is so many emotions that go into homeschooling.

You have good and bad days.  Its not easy by any means but

the outcome outweighs all the bad days.

When I first started homeschooling, I didn’t know anyone

that was homeschooling.  I was terrified! I knew in my 

heart this was the right decision for us.

I had friends that thought I lost my mind.  I was criticized for my

decision. It was hard.  Some days, I would doubt myself. 

The best part, my child was happy!  He was learning and loving it! 

We both learn something new everyday!

The most important thing is loving every moment, watching my child

learn everything he wants to learn.  We can go outside and do our lessons.

Remember, when you child is playing, he is learning.  Children need to

use their imagination. 

People that criticize homeschool, they don’t understand it.  There

are a lot of people that are supportive.

Stay tuned!  I will be having more on homeschooling. 

Thanks for being a part of my day!


There are two things children should get from their parents;

Roots and Wings

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe